China Taiwan 2023 H1 E-bike Export Data

China Taiwan 2023 H1 E-bike Export Data


China Taiwan 2023 H1 E-bike Export Data
China Taiwan electric bicycle in the bicycle industry chain is in the middle and high-end position, strong brand power, high value-added, as the world's high-end bicycle R & D centre, the Taiwan region bicycle into cars are mainly exported to Europe (accounting for 43.2%), the United States (accounting for 29.8%), the export volume has increased over the years, but with the European and American markets in the low and medium-order products inventory climbed high in 2023, electric bicycle exports rare recession. In the first half of the year, Taiwan's bicycle and e-bike export market both export decline phenomenon, although the export volume decreased, but the average export unit price increased significantly, so that the overall export value is still growth trend.

Europe and the United States market inventory phenomenon, the export of products in Taiwan has a greater impact on the brand and the channel in the inventory adjustment period to reduce the single volume, resulting in the first quarter of bicycles and electric bicycles export volume decreased by more than 40%.

According to the Taiwan Bicycle Export Association draft statistics, Taiwan's electric bicycle exports in the first quarter of 23.8 units, an annual decrease of 6.05%. Among them, the export of U.S. e-bikes from 85,582,000 units to 45,333,000 units, an annual decrease of more than 47 per cent, mainly due to the decrease in orders for low-end E-bike, on the contrary, the EU market, e-bike exports from 132,000 units to 150,000 units, an annual increase of 13.31 per cent.

Time stretched to half a year, Taiwan's exports of E-bikes in the first half of 447,300 units, a decrease of nearly 10% compared with the same period last year, the average export unit price increased to $1,655, an increase of 13%, and the value of exports amounted to $740 million, a slight increase of 1.82%. Mechanical bicycle export volume in the first half of the year was 782,000 units, a decrease of 19 per cent compared with the same period last year, the average export unit price increased to 961.87 U.S. dollars, an increase of 31.25 per cent, and the value of exports reached 752 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 6.32 per cent.

According to the industry, the current inventory level of the North American and European markets are still to be digested, the largest inventory of entry-level bicycles, as well as low-end e-bikes, on the contrary, high-end bicycles still have the momentum of continued shipments, most of the industry estimates that the inventory will still take nearly a year, the actual development trend of Taiwan's exports will have to wait until next year before it will be clearer.